Qatari Foreign minister in Tehran to follow up on the nuclear deal

Qatari Foreign minister in Tehran to follow up on the nuclear deal

Mohammad bin Abdul Rehman Al Thani who is currently Qatar’s foreign minister organized a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amirasdollahian in Tehran to move along with talks based on restoring Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. Qatar’s Foreign minister met with the Iran minister to talk about the nuclear deal.

Visit Tehran

The top Qatari diplomat reached the Iranian capital on Wednesday afternoon. He also met with Iran’s security chief Ali Shamkhani.

The meetings were of no progress because of the disagreements between both. The issue of lifting US-imposed sanctions is still unresolved between Tehran and Washington. Till now no more negotiations have been conducted.

The Qatari foreign minister visited Iran after the two indirect and progressless nuclear deal talks between Tehran and Washington hosted by Doha.

Press Conference

After the meeting, the Qatari foreign minister and his counterpart called a press conference. In this, the Iranian diplomat tried to clear the United States’ narrative. He explained that Iran is not the reason for the failure of the nuclear deal.

He said referring to the Joint, ” Despite some media claims by the American side, we have no claims that go beyond the JCPOA”
Comprehensive Plan of Action, the name of the nuclear deal. The Iranian foreign minister further added that Iran is ready for a strong and long-living deal.

Declining Point:

Amirabdollahian confirmed the major declining point during the talks. He said that it was due to Iran’s demand based on an “effective guarantee” by the US on”anything that could affect Iran’s economic benefits” promised in the nuclear deal.

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Conversation of Ned Price

On Tuesday, Ned Price the spokesperson of the US State Department told the reporters that Washington has no plan for discussion at the moment. In addition to this, he also stated that Tehran has
‘Consistently introduced extra demands that go beyond the four walls of the JCPOA’
It means that Iran is not serious and consistent. Due to this, it lacks the quality of commitment.

Al Thani also jumped into the discussion after the number of phone calls between stakeholders to get into the nuclear deal which was stopped by the US in 2018.

Some separate phone calls were also held between Amirabdollahian, Josep Borrell, and the EU’s foreign policy chief on Tuesday.

Tweet by Iranian diplomat

After this call, the Iranian diplomat tweeted that the “US must decide if it wants a nuclear deal or insists on sticking to its unilateral demands”

Moreover, Borrell wrote that “Decisions are needed now” since the window for the revival of accord is closing.

Russian chief negotiator in the nuclear talks Mikhail Ulyanov also reacted by tweeting that
“it is high time for the US to take a more forthcoming position” in the talks if it committed to restoring the JCPOA.

Amirabdollahian had also spoken with French foreign minister Catherine Colonna and Omani foreign minister Sayyid Badr – al- Busaidi earlier this week.

Different Countries:

Along with Iran, the US, China, Russia, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom were the other signatories of the original accord.

The time to strengthen the landmark deal is limited as the global nuclear inspectors warn that it is limited ability to monitor the Iranian nuclear deal and sites.

Progress of Iran

Iran is working to boost its uranium enrichment. Last month it removed 27 cameras installed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The country is 60 percent successful in its uranium enrichment while short of the 90 percent required for a bomb. Still, Iran is maintaining that its nuclear program is at peace.

Iran also says that the foreign minister of Qatar reached Tehran on Wednesday. He came to discuss the development of the current Nuclear deal. Iran’s current minister also welcomed the Qatar minister warmly.

There were also rumors that Al Thani will hold a meeting with SNSC. In addition to this Al Thani also discussed the status of Vienna.

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Maintenance of the Crises between Qatari and Irani foreign ministers:

Al Thani also believed in diplomatic solutions for the maintenance of resolving crises and the problems of global security. These negotiations with US and Iran were already going on since 2021.

JCPOA which is a Joint Comprehensive plan of action has also facilitated both the participants. Some diplomats also said that the Current Russia and Ukraine pandemic has also had effects.

The restriction of IAEA monitoring was the response to the passing of a resolution at the IAEA board censuring Iran for its nuclear program. This resolution was given by the US and its European allies.


IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi said in a speech in Australia on Tuesday that the agency is ready to resume its monitoring activities in Iran believed view that Iran’s nuclear activities could help its neighbor to elevate their nuclear programs.

Furthermore, he added to the discussion that

“There are countries in the region today looking very carefully at what is happening with Iran, and tensions in the region are rising”

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