Qatar to host 4th AIPS Sport Media Awards Ceremony

Qatar to host 4th AIPS Sport Media Awards Ceremony

Qatar, a peninsular Arab country is always there for hosting and anchoring events. The country is always happy with the entertainment and now it is again going for it by hosting AIPS Awards Sport Ceremony.

It will be an enchanting night and will create magic all over the world. Now Doha is the centre of attention and everyone has kept their eyes on it.

Timings and Location:

Okay! So, on the 12th of June, starting at 19:30 local time (AST) the finalists of the nine categories will be on stage at Khalifa International Stadium.

Qatar will host the fourth edition of the international sports press association (AIPS) Sports Media Awards. The venue of the ceremony is entirely eye-catching Khalifa International Stadium on the 12th of June 2022.

Variety of individuals:

People from all over the world will be a part of it including sports journalists representing media institutions and agencies.

These sports media awards are considered of the greatest value. Hence they are one of the largest world press awards in the sports media industry.

The main objective of the awards is to give recognition to one of the finest sportsmen in the whole world.

Gianni Merlo, The President of AIPS:

The president of AIPS Gianni Merlo appreciated the role and work of the Qatar Sports Press Committee in holding the ceremony of AIPS. Therefore he highlighted the importance of the partnership between the two groups in serving sports media.

Moreover, he said that Doha is the best place to hold the award ceremony. Moreover, the Qatari capital will also host the FIFA World Cup later this year.

Merlo also told that no one knows the award winners and all of them are selected through a secret ballot. Moreover, he also exposed that the best journalist will also be selected this time in Doha.

Gianni also stated that also there will be 80 journalists from different countries. He also said that he gave the idea of holding the ceremony this year in Doha.

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Thanking words to H.E Sheikh Faisal:

Gianni Merlo said thanks to H.E Sheikh Faisal bin Ahmed Al Thani, the chairman of Qatar Sports media. Furthermore, he also spoke some kind words about Qatar and the Qatar sports media committee for hosting the ceremony in such an amazing way.

The main purpose of the AIPS Sport Media Awards is to celebrate the sports media and pave a new way for sports journalists all over the globe.

History of AIPS Awards:

If we talk about the history of AIPS sports media awards then the first edition of the Awards Ceremony was held in Lausanne in January 2019.

The second edition was in Budapest in February 2020. The third edition was in an online show from the castle of Vigevano the town in Italy in March 2021.

Rules and Regulations:

After the submission of your entry, there are also several rules to be followed

  1. AIPS Awards applications can arrive from AIPS cardholders but from the countries that are represented by 160 member national associations. Awards are also open to professional journalists.
  2. In AIPS Awards all decisions that are made are final. After submission of the work judges and organisers are not free to correspond with entrants.
  3. The age limit for entrants should be 18 years
  4. There is no entry fee to pay.
  5. English is the language of the AIPS awards. Hence entries in other languages are also acceptable. Entries in languages other than English must have an alternative English translation.
  6. The chief responsibility of entrants is that they have to ensure that the entry meets all of the requirements. AIPS awards also have the right to move the entry to any other category.
  7. Entrants should provide complete information about the entry. There should be no errors in the entry.
  8. There should be legal information in the entry. There should not be any copyright issue or any other privacy law issue. It must not break or decay rules or regulations.
  9. For Photos, the source should be valid and detailed. There should be valid proof of the photographer’s professional status. The photographs in the contest should have proper copyrights that are to be owned by the photographer. A photograph should not be used more than once
  10. Entries should be made through the website and they should be submitted on time. After the final date, no entries will not be entertained.
  11. If there are violations of any types of laws and rules the AIPS Awards has the right to take legal action and to cancel the entrant.
  12. All of the entries are belonging to the AIPS awards.
  13. Any type of loss and damages or personal injuries suffered in connection with AIPS Awards will not be liable in any way.

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The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • The AIPS Sports Media Awards 2022 are open to directly employed or freelancers.
  • Applications may also come from those who are not members of the association and AIPS cardholders. It should come from one of those countries represented by 161 member national association.
  • The age of the entrants must be of 18 years of age on November 10, 2020.


Each award consists of an original trophy and prize money of USD 8.000 for the winner and who will be at first.

The second winner will win USD 3.000. Whereas the third winner will receive 2.000 in Photography (Sports Action and Portfolio), Writing ( Best Column and Best Colour Piece), Audio and Video ( Athlete Profile, Documentary and Short Features) categories.

Winners of each of the Young Reporters categories. The Special Awards do not include second and third place.


There is a jury of 12 professionals that are responsible for judging. The President of the jury is also the one to choose the jurors. The Jury also works in coordination with the AIPS Executive Committee.

There is the scanning of 10 candidates for each of the award categories for consideration by the Jury. There will be only a selection of 3 final candidates who will be invited to the ceremony in 2022.

The Jury will also meet the candidates and will determine the winners before the ceremony. In judging the Jury has the authority to reject, accept or substitute any nomination. Moreover, these nominations are being given by the 24 members of the AIPS Executive Committee.

The Jury also has the right to give certificates of achievements to entrants that participated and did not reach the final.

International Sports Press Association (AIPS) represents international sports media. It is also representing International Olympics Committee.

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